The art of CHUNKING


There is a buzzing technique that can be used to make life a little easier to digest. It’s called chunking. So what in the world is it? And no, it’s not giving up and throwing your belongings across the room in frustration Ex: Chunking your phone across the room when you get an unwanted text (though that can also bring a little relief 😂 )

No ma’am lol

“Chunking” is an ACTUAL psychology term coined by George A. Miller in 1956. As defined by the APA Dictionary of Psychology:



1. the process by which the mind divides large pieces of information into smaller units (chunks) that are easier to retain in short-term memory

Sounds pretty simple right? It is! You may find articles online advocating chunking to aid in short-term memory and helping people remember names, numbers etc. For Ex: Instead of trying to remember a phone number as 214886753012 you could chunk it as 2148-8675-3012 and memorize each 4 digit section at a time.

HOWEVER…you can also use this method by breaking up TASKS in your day or to help complete BIG projects in your life.

Chunking actually helped me re-start ZYN CANDLE during the pandemic after recovering from anxiety and depression. One day I decided… “I’m going to wick 5 jars today”. And I did. That’s all had the strength and motivation for at the time. But after wicking the 5 jars I felt so proud of myself and I continued on to melt some wax add some fragrance and actually pour 5 candles. THEN I STOPPED and moved on through the rest of my day and picked up where I left off the next day.

The STOPPING part is very important. If there’s a project or task you want to chunk…commit to the CHUNKING. Try not to get overly carried away, especially if its something that you don’t typically “commit” to. It’s more beneficial to build the HABIT of showing up consistently than to build a ton of momentum at one time and then completely fall off the wagon because you can’t maintain the pace you set.

Once you practice and learn the art of chunking…you will AMAZED at how productive you will become. It’s like the Aesop Fable “The tortoise and the hare”….slow and steady really does win the race.

Have you used chunking? Has it helped you? What techniques do you use to accomplish your goals and complete tasks while simultaneously maintaining your sanity? Let me know!

Talk soon <3


Zyn Candle Co


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