You don’t have to be “GREAT” to get started


You don’t have to be great to get started…but you have to get started to be great. So here I am…starting. I have been planning a blog for over a year now. Imagining how it would look, what would I say, how could I stay consistent, would people read, would people care etc. All the while…not a single post being written. So this is me taking a leap of faith. My hope is to simply share my thoughts, share books that I’m reading, and share my love for candles and all things “feel good” with whomever wants to engage. At the least this blog will be a fun outlet for me. I am a songwriter by day (and night lol) and I love writing songs…but writing in blog form is like a free-form flow of consciousness that I’ve always wanted to express. So cheers to starting! I hope this encourages you to start something as well….Just start where you are! Start nervous, start scared, start unsure, start not feeling“ready”. Just as I’m writing this I've already got an idea for my next post on a concept called “chunking”. Have you heard of it? Stay tuned <3

Talk soon,


Zyn Candle Co


The art of candle burning