The 5 Minute Rule - The art of showing up


You’ve got goals. You’ve got dreams. But maybe you’re like myself and struggle with the getting started and staying consistent. Your motivation surges and wanes day to day, week to week.

But there’s a hack! It’s the 5 minute rule. I discovered this in a Ted Talk by Stephen Duneier. I like to call it the art of showing up. So here’s a quick recap:

Think of the very first step in the process toward your goal. Work on that step for 5 minutes and five minutes ONLY. Set a timer, and stop immediately at the 5 minute mark. Then work on that same step again for another 5 minutes the following day. Repeat this process daily. Overtime you will get better and better and make more progress and eventually achieve your goal.

Here are the benefits:

You give yourself that self-esteem boost of doing something productive towards your dreams each day.

You practice the habit of prioritizing your goals.

You are practice the habit of giving yourself grace and not overwhelming yourself.

You are developing self trust by keeping your word to yourself day after day which leads to improved self confidence.

You will ACHEIVE your dreams and goals.

Now some of you may eye roll at this because you may feel that this process is too slow for your billion-dollar ambitions. But I can assure you, you’re not babying yourself and you’re not starting too small no matter how big your goals is. YOU ARE STARTING. You are holding yourself accountable. You are putting in the work. Stop valuing yourself and your commitment based on how hard you can push and exhaust yourself. Stop overthinking. And start working towards your wildest dreams with just 5 minutes a day. On your mark, get set, go!

Link to the Ted Talk by Stephen Duneier:


Create a vacation in everyday