Story Time: Grow Towards The Sun

Today’s blog is going to be a personal story time from an event that occurred 9/3/23 that is the evidence of divine synchronicity. In full transparency I’ve been struggling with identity and career direction. Who do I want to be, what do I want to do with my life, what will be my legacy, how do I want to be remembered etc. I know…deep… maybe dramatic….but real. I think becoming a parent made me think more long term because your life and your decisions now affect the life of this innocent little being…that feeling of “oh sh*t I gotta get this right” lol (no pressure right?) So in getting through this season, I’ve decided to just take action instead of staying stuck mulling over my feelings. I’ve been planning some really fun things for ZYN and researching different holidays to celebrate. In my search I stumbled upon “wife appreciation day” that was described as a day to do something sweet for your wife like surprising her with flowers. I thought that was sweet and had a brief thought like “aww I would love to be surprised with flowers” and then kept scrolling and moved about my day.

Later, I take a rest break and of course instead of resting, I scroll Tik Tok and find a very interesting video. It’s a woman venting about how she quit her “dream” got a job, climbed the corporate ladder and now makes about $200k per year in salary. However, in exchange for that salary, she no longer creates, exercises, goes for walks or does any of the fun enjoyable things she used to when she was running her passion business and ultimately she’s even more unhappy. This really struck a cord with me because I have an MBA, I’m bilingual, and have a strong skill set that could bring me significant stable income in the workforce and sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on a big fancy title and salary to do what I “love. And though doing what I love brings me great pay, freedom, etc (as I type this I’m like girl so what is the problem lol dont’ judge me, just pray for me y’all) It doesn’t come with a lot of “respect” “recognition” or “security”. But after seeing her video I realized how blessed I really am, and that no matter what path you choose there’s always going to be a desire for “more” or “different” IF you are choosing to not be grateful for what you have and present with where you are. In seeing her pain and regret, I felt reassured in the creative path I’ve been taking over the past 8 years….I knew I didn’t want to go down her path just to arrive at the same conclusion…I just need to stay the course and allow myself to be re-inspired in new ways but don’t abandon the vision that God has placed in my heart.

While I’m having this epiphany upstairs in the bed, I hear my husband pulling into the garage. I go downstairs to greet him. He has some groceries and some orange thing in his hand. As he comes into full view I realize he’s holding flowers in an orange planter. I lost it lol. “Oh my God baby you got me flowers? Just because??” He says, “Yeah, I saw them and thought of you….God told me to get them”. They were Gebera Flowers, a type of daisy. They were bright yellow with fiery red tips. My husband adds “They looked bright and fiery…like you…and you’re an Aries….fire sign…so yeah”. Wow…I definitely did not know he was perceiving me as bright and fiery because I certainly felt the opposite the past few days.

I did a little research and found out that these flowers are from South Africa and the unique thing about them is that they can withstand full sun light because they grow towards the sun. They GROW TOWARDS THE SUN. They follow the LIGHT. Mind you my name is Zyah (Arabic for “Light”). If I grow towards the light…I grow closer to myself. I realized my desires to abandon my dreams was me running towards darkness…away from the things that light me up…away from the sun…away from God…away from myself. I broke down and cried on his shoulder in gratitude. What was a small gesture in his mind was a mind blowing revelation for me…it was just what I needed. Not to mention earlier that morning I read about “wife appreciation day” and thought about how nice it would be to be surprised with flowers (wow). I never mentioned it once to him but somehow God put it on my husband’s spirit to buy me flowers on THAT day.

That’s the beauty of small gestures. Those are the divine synchronicities of life. That’s how God works. He sees us, he hears us, and when we stop mulling and worrying, show our faith with our actions and open our hearts…he shows up…better said, he’s revealed to us (because he’s always there, we just lose sight of his presence from time to time). I hope this story encourages you. You’re where you need to be at this time….just keep growing towards the sun and every now and then…if its on your heart, do something nice for someone….you never know how it could change their life.

Love & Light - ZYAH

Gerbera flowers from my husband <3


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